Competition for access to the LMD Doctorate for the year 2020-2021

The competition for access to postgraduate training (LMD Doctorate) for the year 2020-2021 ...

For more details, please click on this link: Details

Prolongation of the evaluation session of mid-term appraisal of PRFU research projects approved in 2018

We inform you of the prolongation of the deadlines for submitting mid-term research appraisal for PRFU research projects...

For more details, please click on this link: Details

Call concerning the Algerian researcher platform

We inform all researchers of the 8 Mai 1945 Guelma University, research teachers and doctoral students of the launch of the "Algerian researcher platform" ...

For more details, please click on this link: Details

Call for research projects

Call for research projects

For more details, please click on this link: Details

Scientific publications of 8 May 1945 Guelma university on SCOPUS

Scientific publications of 8 May 1945 Guelma university on SCOPUS...

For more details, please click on this link: Details

Rank of the 8 May 1945 Guelma University according to the international Webometrics Transparent Ranking Repositories -DSpace-

 The 8 May 1945 Guelma University is second in Algeria and among the 700 best universities in the world in the international Webometrics Transparent Ranking Repositories (DSpace) 2020 ...

For more details, please click on this link: Details

    Opening of the proposal session for the creation of new research laboratories for the 2020-2021 academic year

    We have the honor to inform you of the opening of a session for the creation of new research laboratories ...

    For more details, please click on this link: Details

    Opening of the evaluation session for interim research outcomes for the formative research projects PRFU approved in 2018

    We are honored to inform you of the opening of the evaluation session for interim research outcomes for formative research projects approved in 2018...

    For more details, please click on this link: Details


    Register on the Coursera website


     Université 8 Mai 1945 Guelma On Coursera 


    The Vice Rectorate of Postgraduate Training, University Empowerment, Scientific Research and Postgraduate Training invites researchers, doctoral students and teachers to register on the Coursera website...

    For more details, please click on this link: Details

    Doctoral Re-registration LMD-Sciences 2020-2021

    The Vice Rectorate of Postgraduate Training, University Empowerment, Scientific Research and Postgraduate Training of the 8 May 1945 Guelma University announces the beginning of the period of re-registration in doctorate in its two systems (Sciences / LMD) for the academic year 2020-2021 ...

    For more details, please click on this link: Details



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