Institution’s sustainable procurement / purchasing policy


      Sustainable procurement / purchasing policy     



At 8 Mai 1945 Guelma University, we are committed to promoting sustainability in all aspects of our operations, including procurement and purchasing practices. This policy outlines our commitment to environmentally and socially responsible procurement, aiming to minimize negative impacts, support local communities, and contribute to a sustainable future. By implementing sustainable procurement practices, we strive to align our purchasing decisions with our institution's values and goals.


Policy Statement:

8 Mai 1945 Guelma is dedicated to integrating sustainability into our procurement processes. We recognize that our purchasing decisions have wide-ranging impacts on the environment, society, and the economy. Therefore, we are committed to the following principles:

1.1 Environmental Responsibility:

We prioritize environmental sustainability in our procurement decisions by:

a. Selecting products and services that minimize environmental impacts, such as energy-efficient or eco-friendly alternatives.

b. Minimizing waste by favoring products with reduced packaging or packaging that is recyclable or biodegradable.

c. Giving preference to suppliers who demonstrate strong environmental stewardship practices.


1.2 Social Responsibility:

We uphold social responsibility by considering the social and ethical implications of our procurement choices:

a. Promoting fair trade practices by sourcing products from suppliers who adhere to fair labor standards and support worker rights.

b. Ensuring the absence of forced labor, child labor, or any form of exploitation in our supply chain.

c. Encouraging diversity and inclusivity by fostering relationships with suppliers from diverse backgrounds and supporting minority-owned or women-owned businesses.


1.3 Economic Responsibility:

We recognize the importance of economic sustainability and aim to support the local economy by:

a. Prioritizing local suppliers and businesses within our community.

b. Supporting sustainable economic development by considering the long-term benefits for the local economy in our procurement decisions.

c. Encouraging suppliers to adopt sustainable business practices that contribute to the economic well-being of their employees and communities.



To ensure the effective implementation of this sustainable procurement policy, we will:

2.1 Raise Awareness and Provide Training:

We will promote awareness and understanding of sustainable procurement practices among staff and relevant stakeholders. Training programs will be developed to enhance knowledge of sustainable procurement principles and encourage their adoption throughout the procurement process.


2.2 Supplier Engagement and Evaluation:

We will engage with suppliers to communicate our sustainable procurement expectations and encourage them to adopt sustainable practices. Supplier evaluation processes will incorporate sustainability criteria, considering factors such as environmental performance, ethical standards, and social responsibility.


2.3 Collaboration and Partnerships:

We will actively collaborate with industry associations, government bodies, and other institutions to share best practices and promote sustainable procurement initiatives. Building partnerships will enable us to leverage collective efforts towards sustainable supply chain management.


2.4 Performance Monitoring and Reporting:

We will establish monitoring mechanisms to assess the effectiveness of our sustainable procurement practices. Regular reporting will be conducted to communicate progress, identify areas for improvement, and celebrate achievements in sustainable procurement.


Continuous Improvement:

We are committed to continuously improving our sustainable procurement practices. Regular reviews and updates of this policy will be conducted to ensure alignment with emerging sustainability standards and best practices in the field of procurement.


By implementing this sustainable procurement policy, 8 Mai 1945 Guelma university aims to lead by example, demonstrating our commitment to environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and economic sustainability. Through responsible purchasing decisions, we seek to contribute to a better future for our institution, our community, and the planet.