Regulatory texts governing scientific research


 Regulatory texts governing scientific research 


Order No. 442 of April 22, 2021establishing the list of scientific journals categorized as C

Procedures No. 02 of January 3, 2021 guidelines for accessing services offered by common facilities

- Order No. 1082 of December 27, 2020 establishing regulations for the prevention of plagiarism

Order No. 242 of April 3, 2013 relating to the creation of research laboratories within certain higher education institutions

Order No. 736 of December 15, 2010 specifying the criteria for awarding the performance improvement bonus to permanent researchers

PNR Decree of October 3, 2010 FP15

Criteria for Project Eligibility

Executive Decree No. 08-238 of July 27, 2008 amending and supplementing Executive Decree No. 92-22 of January 13, 1992, regarding the establishment, organization, and functioning of intersectoral committees for promoting, programming, and evaluating scientific and technical research

Executive Decree No. 13-109 of March 17, 2013 defining the terms for creating and operating research teams

Executive Decree No. 08-130 of May 3, 2008 concerning the special status of academic researchers

Executive Decree No. 08-131 of May 3, 2008 concerning the special status of permanent researchers

Interministerial Order of February 13, 2002 establishing the classification of expenses dedicated to scientific research and technological development subject to financial control

Executive Decree No. 01-296 of October 1, 2001 amending Executive Decree No. 92-22 of January 13, 1992, concerning the creation, organization, and operation of intersectoral committees for promoting, programming, and evaluating scientific and technical research

Decree No. 01-295 of October 1, 2001 amending Decree No. 86-53 of March 18, 1986, as modified, concerning the remuneration of associate researchers

Executive Decree No. 99-258 of November 16, 1999 establishing post-financial control measures for public establishments of scientific, cultural, and professional character, as well as scientific and technological establishments and other research entities

Executive Decree No. 99-256 of November 16, 1999 specifying the conditions for the creation, organization, and operation of public scientific and technological establishments

Executive Decree No. 99-257 of November 16, 1999 defining the rules for the creation, organization, and operation of research units

Executive Decree No. 99-244 of October 31, 1999 establishing the rules for creating, organizing, and operating research laboratories

- Evaluation of Scientific Research Laboratories