Institution’s sustainable investment policy


   8 Mai 1945 Guelma University Sustainable Investment Policy   



At 8 Mai 1945 Guelma University we recognize the importance of integrating sustainability into our investment practices. This policy outlines our commitment to responsible investment, aligning our financial resources with our institution's values and goals. By incorporating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations into our investment decisions, we aim to support sustainable development, contribute to positive societal outcomes, and manage financial risk effectively.


Policy Statement:

8 Mai 1945 Guelma University is dedicated to incorporating sustainability into our investment practices. We believe that responsible investing is an integral part of our fiduciary duty and our commitment to creating a sustainable future. This policy outlines our guiding principles:

1.1 Environmental Responsibility:

We commit to considering environmental sustainability factors in our investment decisions by:

a. Assessing the environmental impact of investment opportunities, including climate change risks and resource usage.

b. Favoring investments in companies and industries that demonstrate strong environmental performance and promote sustainable practices.

c. Encouraging companies in our investment portfolio to adopt environmentally responsible practices and reduce their carbon footprint.


1.2 Social Responsibility:

We uphold social responsibility by incorporating social considerations into our investment decisions:

a. Evaluating the social impact of investment opportunities, including labor standards, human rights, diversity, and community engagement.

b. Prioritizing investments in companies that demonstrate fair and ethical business practices, respect for human rights, and contribute positively to local communities.

c. Engaging with companies in our investment portfolio to promote responsible business conduct and social progress.


1.3 Governance and Ethics:

We value strong corporate governance and ethical business practices, and therefore commit to:

a. Assessing the governance structure and practices of potential investments, including board independence, executive compensation, and shareholder rights.

b. Supporting companies with transparent reporting practices and a commitment to ethical behavior and integrity.

c. Advocating for improved corporate governance standards and practices through active shareholder engagement.


1.4 Financial Performance:

While pursuing sustainable investment practices, we recognize the importance of achieving strong financial performance. Our investments will be assessed for their long-term financial viability and potential to generate competitive returns.



To ensure effective implementation of this sustainable investment policy, we will:

2.1 ESG Integration:

We will incorporate ESG considerations into our investment analysis and decision-making processes, utilizing available research, data, and tools to assess the sustainability performance of potential investments.


2.2 Engagement and Voting:

We will engage with companies in our investment portfolio to promote responsible practices and encourage ESG improvements. This may include voting on shareholder resolutions and actively participating in corporate dialogues to influence positive change.


2.3 Collaborations and Partnerships:

We will actively collaborate with other investors, industry associations, and sustainability-focused organizations to share best practices, leverage collective influence, and promote sustainable investment initiatives.


2.4 Reporting and Transparency:

We are committed to transparently reporting our sustainable investment activities and progress. Regular reporting will be conducted to communicate our approach, investment performance, and engagement activities to stakeholders.


Continuous Improvement:

We will regularly review and update this sustainable investment policy to ensure its alignment with evolving best practices and industry standards. Feedback from stakeholders will be considered to enhance the effectiveness and impact of our sustainable investment practices.


By implementing this sustainable investment policy, 8 Mai 1945 Guelma University aims to demonstrate our commitment to sustainable development, responsible investing, and positive societal impact. We recognize that our investments have the potential to shape a more sustainable future, and we strive to use our financial resources to create meaningful change while pursuing strong financial returns.