Doctoral training

Registration for postgraduate studies 2024-2025

University 8 Mai 1945 Guelma announces the start of the registration operation for postgraduate studies for the 2024-2025 university year for candidates admitted from the following sections...

For more details, please click on this link: Details

Results of the 2024-2025 doctoral competition

University 8 Mai 1945 Guelma announces results of the doctoral competition for the 2024-2025 academic year ...

For more details, please click on this link: Details

Opening of doctoral program applications 2024-2025 for magister degree with a grade of satisfactory''Assez bien'' or higher

8 mai 1945 Guelma university announces the opening of doctoral program applications 2024-2025 for magister (Magistère) degree with a grade of satisfactory(Assez bien) or higher...

For more details, please click on this link: Details

Portal of university 8 Mai 1945 Guelma for the doctoral compitition 2024-2025

The University 8 Mai 1945 of Guelma announces the organization of the national competition for access to third-cycle training, for the 2024-2025 academic year...

For more details, please click on this link: Details


Announcement of the first didactic seminar

As part of the complementary training for first-year doctoral students, the Vice Rector for Post-Graduation Training and Scientific Research has the honor to invite you to attend the first didactic seminar for the following faculties...


For more details, please click on this link: Details


Announcement of the first philosophy seminar

As part of the complementary training for first-year doctoral students, the Vice Rector for Post-Graduation Training and Scientific Research has the honor to invite you to attend the first philosophy seminar for the following faculties...


For more details, please click on this link: Details

Registration for postgraduate studies 2022-2023

University 8 Mai 1945 Guelma announces the start of the registration operation for postgraduate studies for the 2022-2023 university year for candidates admitted...

For more details, please click on this link: Details

Portal of university 8 Mai 1945 Guelma for the doctoral exam 2022-2023

For more details, please click on this link: Details

Announcement of LMD Doctorate competition 2022-2023

The University 8 Mai 1945 Guelma announces the competition for access to the LMD doctorate for the university year 2022-2023...

For more details, please click on this link: Details

Preparation of doctoral studies in the 3rd cycle of the university year 2022-2023

 Invitation to professor-researchers 

As part of the preparation for doctoral studies in the 3rd cycle of the 2022-2023 university year, 8 Mai 1945 Guelma University informs all professor-researchers wishing to submit doctoral training offers for the university year 2022/2023 of the need to contact the Vice Deanship of Post-graduation and Scientific Research directly to find out more details on the method of preparing the training offer...

For more details, please click on this link: Details


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