Registration for postgraduate studies 2022-2023
Registration for postgraduate studies for the 2022-2023 university year
University 8 Mai 1945 Guelma announces the start of the registration operation for postgraduate studies for the 2022-2023 university year for candidates admitted from the following sections:
- Commercial sciences section
- Social Sciences-Sociology section
- Human sciences-Archaeology section
- English language section
- Process engineering section
- Architecture section
University 8 Mai 1945 Guelma announces the start of the registration operation for postgraduate studies for the 2022-2023 university year for candidates admitted from the following sections:
- Automatic section
- Civil engineering section
- Mechanical engineering section
University 8 Mai 1945 Guelma announces the start of the registration operation for postgraduate studies for the 2022-2023 university year for candidates admitted from the following sections:
- Chemistry section
- Physics section
- Information and communication sciences section
- Biological sciences section
University 8 Mai 1945 Guelma announces the start of the registration operation for postgraduate studies for the 2022-2023 university year for candidates admitted from the following sections:
- Literary studies section
- Food science section
- Computer science section
- Mathematics section
- History section
- Economic science section
Registration Folder Components:
Declaration on honor of non-registration in Post-Graduation at another university
Declaration on honor concerning scientific ethics
Ph.D. Scientific registration form
Doctoral student's notebook (French version)