PRFU افتتاح الدورة العـــــادية للـوزارة الخــاصة بمشاريـع البحث

  We inform you about the opening of the regular session of the Ministry for the PRFU research projects, during the period from 17 March 2019 to 12 April 2019) and the heads of new projects should submit their projects through the platform for research projects PRFU via link


- Correspondence on behalf of the presidency of the university in charge of higher training in the third phase and university rehabilitation and scientific research 


- Call for submission of PRFU projects for 2019

Scheme of presenting a serious research project PRFU   ( عربية  ---  فرنسية )

Instruction No. 02 dated 20.02.2018 PRFU   ( عربية  ---  فرنسية )

Timeline PRFU 2019