University 8 Mai 1945 Guelma announces the start of the registration operation for postgraduate studies for the 2024-2025 university year for candidates admitted from the following sections...
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8 mai 1945 Guelma university announces the opening of doctoral program applications 2024-2025 for magister (Magistère) degree with a grade of satisfactory(Assez bien) or higher...
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The University 8 Mai 1945 of Guelma announces the organization of the national competition for access to third-cycle training, for the 2024-2025 academic year...
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We inform you that the National Commission of Free Software in collaboration with the University of Setif 2 is organizing a summer school for doctoral students...
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SONATRACH, in cooperation with the National Council for Scientific Research and Technologies CNRST, organizes thecompetition for the best scientific publication in Algeria...
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As part of the complementary training for first-year doctoral students, the Vice Rector for Post-Graduation Training and Scientific Research has the honor to invite you to attend the first didactic seminar for the following faculties...
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