Fac ST scientific production in 2023


 Scientific productions Faculty of Sciences and Technology in 2023 


  Scientific productions of teachers not affiliated with research laboratories: 


  Scientific productions of teachers affiliated with research laboratories: 


  Guelma automatic and computer laboratory -LAIG  telecharger 3.png

  Laboratory of Civil Engineering and Hydraulics - LGCH  telecharger 3.png

  Industrial Analysis and Materials Engineering Laboratory - LAIGM  telecharger 3.png

  Laboratory of Mechanics and Structures - LMS  telecharger 3.png

  Guelma Electrical Engineering Laboratory - LGEG  telecharger 3.png

  Inverse Problems: Modeling, Information and Systems -PI: MIS  telecharger 3.png

  Laboratory of Silicates, Polymers and Nanocomposites -LSPN  telecharger 3.png

  Advanced Control Laboratory -LABCAV  telecharger 3.png

  Laboratory of Applied Mechanics of New Materials -LMANM  telecharger 3.png